Sam Gaston Cup (Glarryford) Wed 25 May 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Sam Gaston Cup (Glarryford) 
1. Stewart Thomson (Spires)
2. Neill Millar (BRC) 
3. Mark Glendinning (Spires)
4. Ryan Currie (BRC) 
5. Peter Smyth (U/a)
6. Sean Wright (BRC)
7. Adam Torrie (BRC) 
8. Richard Reid (BRC) 
9. Gary McCappin (BRC) 
10. John Shaw (BRC)
11. Jim McConnell (East Ant)
12. Dale Bonnar (BRC) 
13. Phillip Morrison (BRC) 
14. Luke McMullan 
15. Jason Burns (BRC)
16. Nigel Kernohen (BRC)
17. Adrian Kerr (BRC)
18. Hall Booth (BRC)
19. Thomas Wilson (BRC)
20. Colin Deane (BRC)
21. Ryan McNeilly (BRC) 
22. Laura Blair (BRC) 
23. Jon Hilditch (BRC)
24. Quiton McFall

Nigel Tennant
David Dougan 
Beresford Millar
Alan Blair

Many thanks again to all who help races take place each week, marshals, volunteers and time keepers etc. Next Wednesday BRC will host the Sammy Connor Cup at Broughshane. Sign on from 6pm at Houstons Mill. Start 7pm!!