Mayor Hosting Fun Tour Medal Presentation 7 Dec

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Mayor of Ballymena Mr. Billy Ashe plays host to the cyclists who took part in the Autumn series of Ballymena Road Club fun cycle tours at a special reception in the Town Hall this Monday evening 7th December at 7pm.
This year’s series, while not reaching the record figures of the 2014 series, still attracted a total participation of 786 over the 13 weeks (average 60 per week) during which 150 different cyclists completed at least one tour. 
This year four riders achieved full attendance, they are Alan Donegan, Rhonda Donegan, Pius McKernan and Paddy Mooney.
There were 28 gold medallists who completed at least 11 tours: 14 silver medallists, who had at least 8 tours and 30 bronze for 5 tours.
£890 Collected for Chernobyl Children.
Eleanor Duffin of the Chernobyl Children’s appeal NI, the chosen charity of this year’s fun tour series, will be present on Monday night to accept a cheque for £890, which was the total donated by the fun tour entrants. Several non-cyclists also donated to the fund. 
Ballymena Road Club first became involved with the "CCA” through their touring committee member Martin McKernan who, along with his wife Jennie, acted as a host family for the children. 
"After Martin died the club’s touring section decided that it would be a fitting memorial to him if the club carried on his fund raising efforts and here we are, fifteen years later, still keeping his name and memory alive.”
"The CCA is a totally voluntary organisation with no paid personnel. All the money is used to bring children from Belarus to NI for a "holiday” in our healthy environment. The host families are also volunteers and they too receive no remuneration.”
"These visits greatly extend the life expectancy of the children whose homeland is still contaminated following the destruction of the nuclear power plant in 1986.” explained one of the fun tour organisers, Richard Wilson